Tooth Crowns
At Brady Dental Group, the number one goal is to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful. When teeth are damaged and worn out, proper care and repair are necessary. Brady Dental Group can work with you to properly repair your smile. Dental crowns can strengthen teeth and improve their appearance.
A dental crown is a cap shaped like a tooth. It is placed over a damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Teeth can be damaged in a variety of ways. Tooth decay, injuries, or poor care can lead to the need of a crown. When a dental crown is placed, it is cemented into place and covers the visible portion of the tooth.
There are a variety of reasons a dentist would recommend a crown. Crowns can offer protection for a weak tooth, keeping it from breaking or holding together weak parts of a tooth. A broken or worn down tooth may also need a crown. Function and appearance are improved with the placement of a new crown. Large fillings that have replaced a large portion of tooth can be covered with a crown. Crowns also work to hold dental bridges in place. Misshapen and severely discolored teeth and dental implants are often covered by a crown. A root canal can be protected by placing a crown as well.
Much like the reasons for a crown, there are different types of crowns. Most crowns cover the entire tooth. Dental onlays and three-quarter crowns may be applied when a solid tooth structure is still available. Permanent crowns can be made of a variety of materials. Some metals used in crowns include gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium. This type of crown rarely chips or breaks and lasts the longest. Only a small amount of tooth must be removed and biting or chewing causes little damage. The biggest drawback of metal crowns is the metallic color. For this reason, metal crowns are more often used in the back of the mouth for molars. Porcelain fused to metal crowns are matched to the color of the teeth next to the crown. Even though they have a more natural color, the metal underneath can show through as a dark line. The porcelain can chip and break off and cause wear on the opposite teeth. All resin dental crowns are less expensive than other types of crowns but they wear down over time and are more easily broken. Crowns that are all ceramic or all porcelain most closely match the color of natural teeth. They can also cause wear on opposing teeth and wear down more quickly than porcelain fused to metal crowns. They are often used for front teeth due to their natural color. A pressed ceramic crown is capped with porcelain, but offers a more long lasting option.
A dental crown procedure usually requires two visits to the dentist’s office. During the first visit, your dentist will take x-rays of the tooth and bones around it. A root canal may be performed to remove tooth decay, infection risk, or repair injury to the tooth’s pulp. The tooth will be filed across the top and sides. Once the tooth has been reshaped, a paste or putty is used to make an impression. A temporary crown will be placed to protect the tooth while waiting for the permanent crown. During the second visit, the dentist will place the permanent crown on the tooth. The fit and color is checked. Finally the new crown is cemented in place.
Brady Dental Group works to build a bright, beautiful, lasting smile. No matter what condition has led to the need for a crown, a healthy smile is just around the corner.